Crafting School Project 2009-2010

3:24 PM

In 2009-2010 me and a friend/collegue of mine decided to start a crafting project in our school. With natural materials that students found in nature and recycled materials they brought from their home, we made crafts depending on the season and the themes that were related with each one.


When Christmas was coming, we decided to present our crafts in the village. All of a sudden, we learnt that the owner of the old billiard place, that was not in use anymore, was offering the place for free in order to sell our crafts there. We took advantage of the event and we organised a bazaar there, where we saved some money in order to buy more materials and continue crafting.



Spring and Easter


At the end of the year we managed to make a small excursion with the whole class, and attend a seminar offered by ergani. We combined the seminar with a visit to the folkets museum of Poros and the Chatzopouleio Public Library. Students were excited and we had great fun!

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