decoration for home with crochet

10:54 AM

As a part of our trip, we live in Sweden for two years now. As a part of looking for a job here, I got a place for practicing swedish language in a elementary school. I started working there as a special needs education teacher. After some conversations with my mentor in the school, she realised how interested I am in handicrafts and she suggested that I should attend the textiles handicraft program that is offered in the school.
It was a very interesting experience for me! Until that time I new the basics in crochet. I new how to start, how to increase and how to decrease the size of my creation, but I couldn't understand the names of the stiches or the instructions in books. The handicraft's teacher showed me how to do it and here comes my first creation after following instructions! Even if I don't know how to ask for basic things in swedish, I can follow crochet instructions!
So I bought a small leaflet with instructions. You can have a look here. I also bought the orange/multi yarn. I used a 5mm needle. The yarn is hard and thi makes it really appropriate for decorational things.
Just follow the instructions and here you are!

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