
2:27 PM

I had an old project in my mind that I wanted to start a long time now. The idea behind this project was to start making the portaits of people with the form of a doll.
The inspiration came when I was trying to find a nice gift for my friends' wedding and I decided to make dolls of themselves. I think that the final result was nice, or at least made my friends smiling! So, the next step is to try this with other people I know. The big challenge will be to make a doll of a person out of his/her photo. This will be done next month as a lovely friend decided to make a gift to her sister and ordered a doll that will look like her. I'm still working on that for the moment...
Yesterday night I got inspired by our little friend, Matel. We had a great evening playing, singing and dancing! After that amazing time that made my little girl having one of the best days of her life, I decided to make the portrait of Matel and offer it to him. I loved him, both Malte and Matel!
Have a look at the progress of this project...

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